Monday, June 3, 2013

Random pictures of my kids

Every once in awhile there's a day when everything goes according to plan. The weather is perfect, the kids were good at church. Everybody got a nap - even mommy - and the kids didn't fight. Yesterday - in addition to being new-microwave-day - was one of those days. It was awesome. Here are some pictures from our day.

Jack is learning to play t-ball. It's no big deal,
but we expect a call from the Louisville Bats soon.

Weirdly, he seems to favor batting as a lefty.

Natalie was pretending to be an astronaut. In this picture,
you can clearly see her "space helmet" and "space gloves."
Not visible are here high-heeled pink "space shoes" with
pink light up bows on them. In case you were wondering,
we went to the moon. "To see Neil."

For dinner, she made grass soup.

P.S. Jackson is in a "big boy bed" now!