Thursday, June 30, 2011

the beatles, the 1970s and veggie tales

At first glance, these three might not have much in common. I Want to Hold Your Hand, Proud Mary and God Is Greater Than the Boogeyman must have a certain je ne sais quoi, though, because Natalie rocks out to all of them.

The six spots on my car's CD changer are occupied by the following:
- Veggie Tales Silly Singalong v. 1
- Veggie Tales Silly Singalong v. 2
- Bob & Larry Sing the 70s
- Kidz Bop Sings The Beatles
- Playhouse Disney Music Playdate
- Sesame Street Platinum All-Time Favorites/Elmopalooza mix CD

Naturally, I welcome the kid-friendly remixes of actual songs ... like, that you'd hear on the radio. Because, well, one can only listen to the Bubble Guppies theme song so often before one starts humming it in one's sleep.

I've occasionally been able to listen to the radio, too, but there's too much crap mixed in between the good stuff to hold her interest. (And too many songs now have iffy lyrics... I find myself listening to the oldies stations more and more!) So until I get an iPod hookup installed in my car, we'll stick to whatever CDs cross my path at the library.

Luckily, Natalie's taste is pretty good ... so far. The song she requests most, though? The "hot dog" song from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. *sigh*