Saturday, March 13, 2010

920 -- Things I'm loving these days

  1. The rain. It is nature's car wash. Plus it smells good.
  2. The PSI monitor on my car. I'll leave you to your inferences.
  3. These to do list note pads from I appreciate their honesty. (PS My birthday is coming up!)
  4. Moms Like Me. After searching high and low for a full time working mom online support group, I finally stumbled on this (all local!) site. They have already helped me through one low point.
  5. My darling daughter. Despite sickness, exhaustion, and general icky feelings, she manages to be amazing every day. We should all be so lucky.
  6. My new fabric softener scent. Hey, it's all about the little things, right?
  7. My husband. He works really hard, and never (hardly ever) complains. I have a lot to learn from him.
  8. Custom return address stamps like these. Because labels are so last decade. Did I mention my birthday is coming up?
  9. Bath time. Natalie's bath routine is the time we are guaranteed every day. We pick out her clothes, get some tub time in, and she talks up a storm. Afterwords, I feed her and sing to her. Sometimes she sings along.
  10. Friends who call more than a month ahead of my birthday to ask what my plans are and if I want to get together to celebrate. They don't need no stinkin Facebook reminder! Thanks friend :)
Anything you're loving these days?