Baby M is already changing the lives of her* parents. About a week ago, Matt and I had our 20 week ultrasound where we got to see the little one all curled around herself. She kicked a few times and twisted and turned, and we even got to see her tiny mouth open into a yawn!
Since then, Baby M has gotten bath towels, bath decorations, crib bedding, clothes, a bib, and books. This Friday, we'll pick up her crib.
The most exciting milestones for me, however, have been developmental. She's been kicking me several times a day, and yesterday -- for the first time -- I saw my belly move. Since Baby M can now hear her parents' voices, we've also been reading to her every night for the past week or more. My belly is getting bigger, and it won't be long until I'm out of my pre-pregnancy clothes for good. Luckily, I have a journal to jot down all of these lovely firsts. I don't want to forget a thing!
*Note that we do not know the sex of Baby M, so I will be referring to Baby M as him and her alternately. Starting today with "her".