I like running. I was liking it less about a month ago when I re-started after about 5 years of minimal physical activity. Nevertheless, I'm liking it again, more than I did 5 years ago, though I'm still not up to the level I was. Oh to be able to run two miles in 18 minutes! It seems like I'll never get there, but I'm trying to stay positive.
Helping me stay on the wagon (or running behind it?) are a few accouterments. They might help you, too. The first was the iPod. I fought the popularity of the iPod for a long time, but iTunes has it all over other media players in my opinion.
The second was the treadmill. I cannot run outside. The cool air sets my lungs on fire in minutes. Plus I don't look cute when I'm working out, I look sweaty. Thanks to craigslist, I got a great deal on a barely used treadmill. Someone else's failed New Year's resolution was my good fortune.
Third, my new arm band for my iPod allows me to pound "pavement" to some great tunes. Due to 12 years in band, however, I needed music that plays at the same bpm that I run. (Curse my impeccable rhythm.) This is when I discovered
jogtunes, which has been the savior of my workouts. After finding that
Shake It by Metro Station was exactly the speed I needed, I looked it up on jogtunes to find more just like it. As luck would have it, I now have enough music to keep me going for a solid two miles (if I can make it that long on any given day).
P.S. If you have an iPod and want some great free music for your running (or any other) workout, try the
PodRunner and
PodRunner Intervals podcasts. They are free of charge, and a new one is published every week. Today I used
PodRunner Intervals Gateway to 8K, but I only got through 2/3 of it before I had to stop. *sigh* I'll get there.